Thursday, February 23, 2017

I'm Running 100k

It's been around two and a half years since I last wrote anything other than a drunken thank-you letter in which I told my best friend's parents that they were inextricably linked with me, like Bonnie and Clyde. It didn't make much sense. I regret it quite a bit. Anyway, I'm going to run 100k at the end of May - I thought the next few months might be of interest to some of you floating out there in the ether, crushing up morphine and talking to Christian Slater. 


"Why are you running 100k?!", people ask immediately. I always feel a bit like a fitness Bob Geldof at this point: "Why do anything, man? I just want to encourage the children of Africa to get outside and run more." In reality, I want to travel beyond (no, I'm not talking about the M1 and 'The North'), to see what lies past the point where my legs physically cannot continue, where my synapses are flickering like white noise on a wood panelled a a dusty track....near an old cotton plantation. If that thing is a liminal space with Mathew McConaughey holding Winona Ryder's son in it, great. Though, hopefully not.

The Plan:

Lose Weight - for every extra kilo you carry, a fairy dies somewhere...and you also shave around 2 minutes off your marathon time (assuming you weigh 83kg, like me). Do the "math".

Keep Lifting - preventing against injuries and maximising efficiency of movement is absolutely integral to running the best race possible. Strength and conditioning work predominantly geared towards my posterior chain and core will play the main role in this. Wow, that was a serious bullet point. Boobies.

Diet - (this actually doesn't overlap with the first point) eating is going to be all about performance, so expect boring paragraphs about complex carbohydrates. 

Time - is a flat circle. Balancing a work, life and mild-to-downright debaucherous lifestyle is tricky, especially with a full-time job. Yes, personal training is AN ACTUAL JOB.

Mental - sieving through the maelstrom, sorting out the shit in your noggin and arriving at a better understanding of yourself is something we should all do, not just people with halitosis and incense. 

Anyway, I'm rusty and bound to start fucking up my 'i before c's except after d's'. The next post will follow shortly and will be much more useful than this self-indulged nonsense.