The Warm-up:
- 20 of the following: squats, lunges, reverse crunches (pushing your lower back firmly into the ground to switch on the transverse abdominus – the muscle belt around your waist), arm rotations and leg swings.
The Workout:
Perform 50 of each
exercise as quickly as you can. Between each exercise you must
complete 10 bastardos (burpees with a press up). Your chest must
touch the ground with each repetition - think of it as getting up and
down off the ground as fast as possible. Also, make sure you start
and finish with 10 bastardos. So, turn up 'Hall & Oats - Out of
Touch', draw back the curtains and get moving (cue whip crack).
- Russian Twists – use the weight and touch it to each side for one repetition; look ahead; lean back. (By pre-exhausting your core, you'll find the rest of the workout a lot harder)
- Air Squats – try to bring your hips below your knees; tense your stomach; keep your chest up; keep knees tracking over or outside of your toes; squeeze bum at top of movement.
- V-sits (basically an elaborate sit up, please look up) – try not to use arms for momentum.
- Reverse Lunge With Overhead Press – lunge back whilst pressing the weight above your head; keep your chest up; bend the back leg properly; each lunge is a repetition.
- Superman Back Extensions – try to squeeze your shoulder blades at the top, bringing your arms back and into a sky-dive position.
Warm Down:
- Jump up and down gently -your feet should barely leave the floor - with your arms completely relaxed by your sides. Yes, like a Salmon floating upstream. Do this until the novelty wears off, or, alternatively, 30 times.
- Stretch.
- Make resolution - to actually read 'Wolf Hall'.
- Listen to The Chemical Brothers and shake your body some more.
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