Thursday, March 2, 2017

Winter Lessons

I would be a liar if I said that 'I'm always learning', I'm really not, but this winter has thrown up a few morsels, they are as follows:

Not all pretentious ingredients are pretentious

I found out that my beloved CHIA seed was deeply treasured by the Mayans - which means they've been common Mexican knowledge for a good 2,200 years. The word 'Chia' means 'strength' (not small car) and the Mayans believed that just one spoonful would keep a 'Mayanian'(?) going for up to 24hrs...doing whatever it is Mayans did, which I assume is run around naked chasing bears and leaving hieroglyphics for Mel Gibson. Anyway, Chia seeds are brimming with omegas, zinc and a little calcium, so get stuck in.

Shoulder stability

Rather than retracting your shoulder blades when lifting something off the ground, a good cue to enhance your lift is to "put your shoulder blades in your back pockets". Ah...salmon skin roll.

Vitamin D is the shit 

I started taking it during the winter as we generally can't get enough. I take it in spray form in the belief it does this:

1. Aids calcium absorption (healthy bones).
2. Some report a possible connection between Vitamin D levels and the mood-enhancing neurotransmitter serotonin but studies are a tad inconclusive.
3. Boosts your immunity, especially against colds and flu (yes, even the man flu) as the immune system uses Vitamin D to make antimicrobial weapons that puncture holes in bacteria and viruses, which sounds very chique.

Empathy, 'the action of understanding'

My mother told me recently, whilst emerging from a cloud of flour and caster sugar, that "you mustn't try and rationalise, reason or explain somebody's pain; people only want their pain to be acknowledged". Mothers are wise like that...but also wildly inconsistent because she followed with, "but did you also know moles are haemophiliacs?". I did.

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