Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oxygen Debt & Other First World Problems...

   There are only 3 parts to the workout. We are striving for that Holy Grail of conditions, “Oxygen Debt”, which, in short, means your body's metabolism will be working like a rocket or “that girl at school, Jenny let's say, who just like NEVER puts on weight and can like eat like what ever she like wants. You know?” Yes, we know about Jenny. Damn Jenny.

Now, there is a lot of lifting weights here so keep your form. Ladies, you will NOT turn into a Williams sister if you do this - you don't produce enough testosterone to add muscle easily.

Warm up:
  • Light cardio for 3-5mins, followed by 10-20 of the following (all bodyweight): squats, reverse lunges with arms above head, half press ups, leg swings and arm rotations.
  • Glute activation/decorative pilates: hold the plank for 2 sets of 30 seconds, perform the bridge (keep your hips right up...think Eric Pryz 'Call on Me' try stop thinking about that...) for 5 sets of 5 second holds.

Part 1:

'Kettlebell Cleans' followed by 'Bastardos' (burpee with a press up)
Perform 15 reps of both exercises, then 12 reps, then 10 reps.

Use a weight you can JUST do 20 reps with. Make sure the kettlebells go up an down in a straight line, that means pushing your hips back when the weight goes down and then snapping them forward, using your bum muscles, to lift the weight once more. Keep your core tight during all the exercises.

If you haven't done a kettlebell or dumbell clean before, supplement it with a 'Sumo Squat to High Pull' (please look all this up; do not use your budding imaginations and go on instinct).

Part 2:

'Alternating Reverse Lunges' followed by 'Plank Climbers'
Perform 30 seconds of each exercise. Do 3 rounds.

Use a weight on the lunges that you could foreseeably do 10 reps with, on each leg.
Don't faff around. The 30 seconds should be exactly that, not 25 seconds and 5 seconds de faff.

Part 3.

'Front Squat to Push Press' followed by 'Dynamic Squats'
Perform 20 reps of both exercises, then 15 reps, then 10 reps.

Don't let the weight pull you forward on the 'Push Press'; keep your chest up and use a weight (dumbells, barbell, heavy medicine ball, kettlebell) you can just to 20 reps with. Carry out the squats as quickly as you physically can.

Warm Down:

Gentle cardio (jog, walk, cycle, sob gently) for a couple of minutes to get you heart rate back to something that vaguely resembles normality. Stretch well, from head to toe – flexible muscles look better than tight muscles and don't get you is as simple as that.

Tomorrow we tackle the issue of running: running technique, how short can 'short shorts' be and whether Sub Focus 'Timewarp' is the best running track of all time.

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