Warm up:
As per usual...
- 5 minutes of cardio (starting at 4 and finishing at 7RPE – Rate of Perceived Exertion).
- Dynamic Stretching: 20 x squats, lunges, half press ups, leg swings, heel flicks and arm rotations.
- Glute Activation: Hold the plank and bridge for 3 sets of 20 seconds, each.
The Workout:
will be doing 45 seconds work, with 15 seconds
rest/time to prepare for the following movement. Do 3 rounds,
please. In block capitals, at the end of each bullet point, is the explanation for why you're going to do the exercise.
- Swings (load up your hips, not your back or quadriceps; squeeze your bum after snapping your hips forward). Use a challenging weight. This works your posterior chain.
- Plank Climbers (keep your hips as still as possible; don't drop your bum). Tightens your core.
- Vertical Swings (this is tough, so start with a light weight; power comes from the hips). Hits whole body and sends HR through the roof.
- “Jump Around”..'s (House of Pain did, you should to. Jump forwards, backwards, laterally, just keep your chest up). Strengthens knees and will push you into oxygen debt (see post regarding this).
- Elastic Band Rows (squeeze your shoulder blades as you pull the band). Corrects posture.
- Alternating Curtsy Lunges (“It's Ma'am as in ham, not ma'am as in palm,” so look lively, keep your shoulders back and pointing forwards throughout. If you're using a weight, and I would, keep it at chest height the whole time and don't let it drag you forwards). Works abductor muscles in glutes; great for toning lower body.
you are unsure about your form, in any way, get some tuition.
Warm Down:
- 5 mins gentle cardio.
- Extensive stretching – holding each one for a minimum of 10 seconds.