Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why We Should Have Babies

   Beware the congestion surrounding what, when, how and why you should eat, it's polluted by inaccuracy and riddled with physiological and psychological pitfalls. So, I won't mess around with this one: food is really good. Do not ruin that with misplaced and/or misguided preoccupations. So, in keeping with this new-found brevity, I'm going to tell you why I eat Jelly Babies after I exercise.

"Why the babies Freddie?"

  • Your body releases cortisol when it is stressed. Exercise is a form of stress. Elevated levels of cortisol leads to muscle wastage and fat storage (particularly 'visceral' abdominal fat).
  • Insulin counteracts cortisol. 
  • You release insulin when your blood sugar levels increase, this happens when you eat something sugary.
  • Jelly Babies contain sugar.
  • Eat three (not a pack – you know who you are), within fifteen minutes of exercising (no later, if possible) – you'll kiss goodbye to cortisol and also replace some of your glycogen stores, thus escaping the immediate and delayed clutches of fatigue.

   So, in short, keep Jelly Babies in your glove compartment, for after exercise...and bribing children.

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