Running is rather
taxing on the body, no surprises there, so it's important to iron out the creases. No one
likes creases. Creases will turn into crumples, and sooner or later
your thousand-count Egyptian cotton bed sheets will be strewn across
the floor, resembling more Ikea show room than Persian palace.
So, we're looking at increasing strength in the right places, addressing posture, strengthening ligaments and tendons and working your core, all to
allow you better running technique, less susceptibility to injuries
and improved performance. This is what needs to be done:
Warm up:
- Skipping for 5 minutes – it strengthens the tendons down below, you'll get accustomed to landing on your forefoot and get the blood flowing. Jog on the spot if you don't have a Kermit the Frog skipping rope lying around from the 80s.
- Dynamic stretches: squats, lunges, press ups, leg swings, arm rotations.
- Glute activation: plank, bridge, the lying angel (also called, less ingratiatingly, 'The clam'”).
The Workout:
- Bulgarian Split Squats – sounds complicated but is essentially a one-legged squat with your other leg supported on something behind you. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and don't let your knees track inside or over of your toes. 15 reps per leg.
- Romanian, Single-legged Dead-lifts – keep your back straight and take your time. I would do this one barefooted – for stability, feeling and activating your foot muscles. Yes, Eastern Europe developed most of these exercises. Eat less, exercise more and look great: Communism. 15 reps per leg. Only use a light weight once confident.
- Single-leg Hip Thrusts - 15 reps per leg.
- Single-leg Hops – hop forwards, backwards, laterally and transversely, keeping a neutral spine. Try 30 seconds per leg, build up to a minute before adding weight.
- Bent-over Reverse Flies – use a 50cl Evian bottle, if needs be. Keep your back straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together (imagine trapping someone's hand between your shoulders...yes, in a creepy way). Try 15 reps.
- Plank – once you can hold it for 60 seconds, start lifting up one leg and holding it up (contracting your glutes in the process). Still hitting the minute mark? Try lifting your opposite arm and leg. You will now look positively balletic, congratulations, or quite ridiculous, in which case you need to work on your normal plank a little more.
- The Super Man Exercise – lying face down on the floor, lift arms and legs. Think happy're doing it Peter! Hold at the top for 2 seconds, before lowering. Try 10 reps.
Perform the above
TWICE, at least once a fortnight. There's also no need for rest
between sets and remember to keep your form at all times; this is not
a race. Bon voyage.
Warm Down:
- 5 mins gentle skipping or stationary jogging.
- Extensive stretching - hold each one for at least 15 seconds.
Please do the warm down
properly or you'll risk injury and your friends' abuse of the term
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