Warm up: thoroughly –
you ought to be breaking sweat by the time you start – see
suggested routines in preceding article/s.
The Workout:
Each exercise is to be performed for 45 seconds. You have 15 seconds rest.
Complete 3 rounds. No resting between rounds.
- Single arm, KB (kettlebell) Clean to Front Squats (left hand), (push hips back to ensure KB travels in straight line).
- Single arm, KB Clean to Front Squats (right hand).
- Dynamic Squats, (look ahead/gaze thoughtfully throughout).
- Double-handed KB Swings, (don't swing above eye level or you'll load up your lumbar spine...lower back).
- Plank Climbers, (minimal movement at the hips, please).
- KB Vertical Swing, (be careful when close to failure).
- Renegade Rows, (make sure you suck your stomach in).
- Bastardos (Burpee with a press up)
With all the movements
that require a KB – even the renegade rows can be done on a KB – use a weight that you can comfortably complete 20 reps with. If
you have no idea what that might be, spend a little
more time practising these exercises.
NB: Power comes from
the hips; squeeze your core (your bum is part of that);
maintain a neutral spine – your vertebrae should be the Switzerland
of back-bones.
Warm down and
stretch off thoroughly. I could wang on about this closing
ceremony but, instead, I will just say say this: if
you don't warm down, gradually bringing your heart rate back to
normal, you run the risk of blood pooling, which, on a purely
aesthetic level, can lead to VARICOSE VEINS. So, I think I
speak for all of you when I say “non, non, non, mon chéri". Furthermore, you may also feel
dizzy; you will be that person drifting vacantly across the gym
floor, casually colliding with sweaty onlookers. These
oh-so-very-sweaty onlookers will almost definitely be thinking: “OMG,
just look at those varicose veins, it's like a child has drugged
their parent, drawn ALL over their legs, ordered a taxi and then had
them driven to this gym” - don't be her/him. I 'wanged', I apologise: "sorry for stopping you turning your thighs into London Tube Maps."
Next: "Boxing: just a sport for men...and Hilary Swank?
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