Friday, February 15, 2013

What To Eat When You're Expecting...DOMS

   Your legs hurt, you've been limping around Waitrose for the past half hour searching for their grilled artichoke hearts, apparently it will add “depth” to your Niçoise. You exercised yesterday, so why the denim-covered discomfort today? Well, you've got 'D.O.M.S' – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. In spite of this being a rather neolithic acronym, it hurts, and not in the fifty shades fashion. So, if you're still lowering yourself onto the loo seat, despite stretching, pay more attention to what you eat afterwards. Like with the Jelly Babies, I'm just going to tell you what I do:

Banana & Peanut Butter

   Either on wholemeal toast or the 'Meet Joe Black' method, peanut butter has plenty of protein, fats, Vitamins E,B6&3, magnesium and potassium*. Then you've got all the joy from the banana and the slow release, low GI carbs of the wholemeal bread. I've used this recipe since I was fifteen; my hair is voluptuous, my manner vivacious and one of the Kardashians actually asked me “like omg, like seriously, what moisturiser do you use?” I know crazy.

Chocolate Milk

   You can make it or buy it anywhere. It really does the trick; the scientifically proven, perfect thing to have after training. It contains just the right ration of protein to carbohydrates (1:3). Don't worry too much about choosing dark chocolate as the medical world is unsure as to whether large amounts of milk negates the antioxidants. Do, however, go for full-fat milk – your system is able to better absorb the calcium...oh, and saturated fat IS GOOD FOR YOU. Please, please, please read something on the matter. I will be thrusting a thesis de gloire down your low-fat throats, regardless, in the next few weeks.

Dark Chocolate

 Be pretentious, not prudent, and buy some chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids, hand picked by South American children...that wear gloves made of cashmere. The chocolate is then attached to doves, one bar per bird, and flown across the Atlantic, where you, yes you, can eat a couple of pieces to help fight the free radicals you have floating around your body post exercise. True story.

   There you have it. Next time you find yourself wondering what to do after a couple of Jelly Babies and sixty minutes of bootcamp fun, give the above a whirl. I usually go for the peanut butter, followed by the dark chocolate but the chocolate milk has worked a treat in the past – it's not a great image but how else will you reach the artichokes?

*Vitamins E (antioxidant) & B6 (immunity) & B3/Niacin (converting food into energy, like the other B's do, as well as circulation and hormone regulation), magnesium (bones) and potassium (helps against cramps, muscle fatigue, dehydration). 

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