Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Balance Below the Belt

   We all want to strut down a high-street, heads held in the heavens, smug grins sweeping across our faces, bums like organic baby tomatoes - we've just done some exercise, we feel better than the endorphinless rabble that brush beside us. However, be warned, this honeymoon phase will be short lived if you neglect the delicate question of proportion; bench-press bunnies belong in Puerto Banus, we all know that, but a world filled with knee pain, back ache and tangible cubism awaits you if don't stop and think about how your arse and hamstrings are doing. 

Quick Anatomy Lesson: 

   The front half of your body (quads, chest etc.) is called the 'anterior chain' and the back half (bum, hamstrings, trapezius etc.), the 'posterior chain' .

Posterior Problems Below the Belt:
  • Knee pain – can be caused by an imbalance between the quadriceps (front of thigh) and the hamstrings (back of thigh).
  • Poor posture – if you have weak bum muscles, it effects the angle your torso makes with the ground, which leads me onto...
  • Anterior or posterior pelvic tilts – your hip tilts forwards or upwards, respectively. Creating a neutral position enables the glutes to sit in a position of greatest potential leverage (good for running, jumping, walking optimally).
  • Shin splints.
  • Injury susceptibility – often found in those who are 'quad dominant' (when you squat, do your knees track over your toes and your heels begin to lift?).
  • Decreased metabolism – neglecting a muscle group misses out on firing up another fat burning furnace (apologies for Men's Health vocabulary), especially if that group is your glutes.
  • It just doesn't look right – you walk with an air of adolescence, bordering on timidity not aristocratic indifference.

TODAY'S's not easy, your metabolism will go through the roof afterwards and your bum will feel like it got a starring role in 'The Shawshank Remption'.

Warm Up: As stated in 'How To Look Good Naked'. Remember, the emphasis is on glute activation – you have been wallowing in a world of 'glute inhibition', throw off those arsey shackles.

The Workout: Do 45 seconds, with 15 seconds between, of each exercise. Do 3 rounds. That's 21 minutes work. Do not stop for a break.

  • Reverse Lunges & Overhead Reach - right leg steps back only, holding a light weight overhead with your RIGHT hand (keep the arm locked out throughout, chest up and stomach tense).

  • Reverse Lunges & Overhead Reach - left leg steps back only, holding a light weight overhead with your LEFT hand.

  • Kettlebell Cleans (right hand) – use a weight you could do 20 reps with.

  • Kettlebell Cleans (left hand).

  • Single-leg Hip Thrusters (right leg) – really drive up through your heels.

  • Single-leg Hip Thrusters (left leg).

  • Kettlbell Swings (you can use a dumbell if you haven't a kettlebell) – use a weight you could do 20 reps with.

You could, if you so desired, swap the 'Kettlebell Cleans' with 'Single-leg Dealifts'.

Warm Down: Gentle cardio for 5 minutes, followed by extensive stretching.


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